Summary Overview
The New Battery Regulation 2023/1542 is a cornerstone of the EU Green Deal. It came into effect in August 2023 with a phased implementation timeline. Aimed at promoting a sustainable circular economy, the Regulation covers the entire life cycle of batteries sold in the EU, from material sourcing and battery design to production, disposal, and recycling. This regulation applies to all portable batteries of general use, thus also our portfolio.Once the Regulation will be fully implemented, main changes relevant for our products are:
• Comprehensive labelling requirements;• Restriction of Lead and special information about hazardous ingredients e.g., Mercury, Cadmium;
• Waste collection targets: 63% (2027) and 73% (2030), based on new ‘Available-forCollection’ method;
• Life-cycle assessment by 2030 i.e., eco-design requirements that might lead to a phase out of batteries with lowest energy efficiency; Due diligence of suppliers to confirm that raw materials are sourced, processed, and traded in a socially and environmentally responsible manner;
• EU Declaration of Conformity for our batteries, confirming compliance with relevant EU laws.
• How is Duracell to support these regulations now and in the future?
• We are fully committed to ensuring that Duracell® products meet the new regulatory requirements and continue to provide the exceptional quality that our consumers and stakeholders are used to.
How is Duracell supporting these regulations now and in the future?
For the implementation of the Battery Regulation, we are working closely with the industry and the European Commission to achieve practical solutions with a positive impact for our consumers and partners, the communities we live in, and the environment. This relates particularly to the definition of the new “Available for Collection” (AfC) method and requirements for minimum efficiency, as well as the CE marking and related labelling requirements.What is the state of implementation?
As part of the ongoing implementation of Battery Regulation, the European Commission is adopting delegated acts from 2024 onwards. For a related timeline, and more information, please visit the related website of the European Portably Battery Association (EPBA).(13 November 2024)